Ill-Effects of “ILL-Luminati”


Illuminati > { Latin for “Hidden Light” } ; “Extreme light…” Secret light or “Secret Lumination” ; Exclusive Lightening, Exclusive Elimination; Luminescent information or “Ominously Exclusive”

To open something or to disclose information is to ; Bring into light or view, Lumia, lumiscity “luminate” or luminous the identity of intended object inorder to reveal previously esoteric (esophageal) acculturation or wisdom. Ultimately this promotes the proclivity of circular information : –

To produce bright and clear literature, which previously layed dormant and unfounded.

To make bright and known from once which rested within hidden obstacles.

To release into true clarity and reality that which ordained in a shrowd of darkness and mystery.

To purge ignorance away from true clarity and realism.

To produce Luminescence upon the density of mysticism and false acculturation.

To open the “neuro-sensory” to previously unlearned – information.

To shine a bright light upon and disclose that which once lay and rested closed and undisclosed.

To position a torch or candle light on towards shaded dimmed environments; Inorder to uncover that which portrays the undiscovered and hidden.

Clarity is quintessentially Luminescence; To strike a match-stick or to light a candle is to “Luminously shine” or to “luminate” the foot of darkness… to clear the foot pathe of caves and brighten the interior!

To perceive all that lays in rest to be met or be known? ;Unrestrict all previously programmed values in learning and understanding the complete relativity… relationships and measures of boundaries/negotiations/reciprocity/democracy.

To produce a torch {Fire (4) light (5) 4+5>9 = “Luminance”} or candle in a position without true light or Luminescence 12 (1+2>3) ; By (Restriction) restraining and limiting any version of luminosity to an area/zone. To reduce “ILLUMINATION” ; > ill- ( Ill-Healthed ) ; Poor-healthed/bad-health/regressive health/degenerative health!

“Ill” (Regressive) > Degenerative.

ILLUMINATE > “Ill-Luminate” > Not-naturally luminated ; Regressive forms of -inclinations/substance/characteristics behaviour/actions/acculturation/methodology. Regressive-luminosity; restriction in light/Luminescence; Restricted-light. Restricted brightness; dulling/dullness/vagueness/elusive/shady/non poignant/restrict from defining/restrict definition/restraining openness/refrain from public enquiry/investigation or opinion.

Minus Luminescence; Subtract luminary.

The etymology of “Illuminance/Luminescence” derives through the prosperity of several powerful empires who ruled over the world throughout the great ages to present chronology. Cultures via antiquity who prospered internationally. The latest intern conquered upon one another to hold the keys to control, influence and power… after gaining esoterism surreptitiously. These historic affairs were indeed the height of agents schemming for agenda’s aimed at the highest acquisitions.

Revered; “By any-means necessary” while relieving all forbarer of any formidable might and prosperity. While each intern forwarded correspondences or esoteric knowledge by forfeit of future persecution and invasion from superior empires. Systems and cytology passed on along the ages via esoteric sources. Sources who were indeed tricked/tortured/blackmailed and blasphemed against to become cast out and forced abdication from authority, power and position.

Eagle eyed successive opportunitist reaped the bounty of spoils ominously. Though often temporarily; Fate succeeded in restructuring the prosperity of each empires participants throughout. Prosperity and power dwarfed, time after time, again and again… Each empire drifted regressive into relative obscurity and servitude of the world at large.

“… Reprised

Into the furored wilderness of Darkness… From where they derived”

Thus; Titus relationships of consistent devouring empires, fluctuating prosperity, the incline and vitriol, betrayal and falls, vilification and machinations arose and aroused constant fear and makeivellia veneration. Empires rose as others fell; British from separate divisions of Europe; From Spanish, from south American; From French From Asian; From Venetian; from Roman; from Greeks From Egyptians From Khemetian etc..

Ultimately; Secret societies/Exclusive unions have existed in one form or another almost throughout humankind’s existence.

Special bearers of humanoids either gifted via exceptional enlightenment for the age of apparent chronology/Gifted via ability/ Gifted by physiology/Gifted by exclusive traits which enabled the prosperity of thus chronology or empire. Humanoids gifted with extraordinary rights of passage. Gifted practitioners which raised suspicion of perhaps their complete identity or true nature?

Previous gifted practitioners of Egyptianatic antiquity where disclosed as “Shem Su Hor”

From Khemetian dynastic periods which existed before the Europeanist chronology of information, discloses the existence of the “Shem Su Hor”; Light bearer/light bringer/Professor/Scholar /Prophet/High priest/Mindful -Omniscience/Great knowledge/ Physician etc.

Shem Su Hor : A name bequeathed upon the most gifted and wisest of the Khemetian empire.. An exclusively extra ordinary title or ordainship awarded to the most gifted of intellect and possibly ability? The title was heralded by the supernatural ability of such archetypes within the society. This word “Shem Su Hor” suggest that tenants of extra ordinary individuals existed of extreme ability in the realm or professions of memory skills, inclinations to preserve and maintain/Mathematics/Geography/ Archetecture/Minerals & Substances/Astronomy/Sciences… Care/telepathic and empathetic abilities… etc

The “Shem Su Hor” ; The reminder of information/the helper to uncloak the confusion of existence. The prophetic prominence; The Sage quality, The Seer… Symbolism and characteristics of ancient supernatural geniuses.

This founded the European perceptions of fantasy echoed via western media; wizards/warlocks/witches/Magik…(Magik evolved Into Majestic which evolved to Majesty)

A witch: Formally an identity or person with great knowledge and extreme experience and understanding of the laws of science and order.

The Royal family of the United Kingdom are truly not Royal at all by blood nor any other form in truth, neither are the individuals who hail by the aforementioned name sake referred to: British Royals; Are neither genuine Royals of majestic certification or true genuine nobility.

In truth, it is more of a fact than an Opinion..
We have already known, that the western world is highly interested in profiting from the rich resources, of their past colonies: Africa/India/Asia/South America/Caribbean Islands
Via the torment of these lands have continued to steadily infiltrate the resources of these nations by any means necessary..

All past cooperation with coups/Government wars against the benevolence of these once thriving ancient nations (Africa & Co) came through the spiteful machination, of ‘European descendents’ attempting to relieve the wealth away from it’s place of origin, and into the hands of White Greedy – Profiting society:
By any means necessary?

This all has been demonstrated, throughout the doctrines & corners of whiteness upon this (cursedยฎ๏ธ) earth…

Each nation fell into servitude by the ๐Ÿ˜ˆ evil machination of western culture/Lorals : Deception/Lies/Falsification/Misinformation/Dishonesty/Schemes/Malice/Injustice/Crime/Theft/Trickery/Sabotage/Purjury/lack of virtue/Moral disobedience/inability to be noble & just/Lack of decency/contempt for reality/Love for synthetic nature/conflict against nature/in constant Violation against the truth:

White society plans war/attacks/profiteering schemes in advance of 30+ years (Over Thirty years) for optimising fruition.. ยฎ
The deaths of many a great African/South America/Caribbean/Asian/Indian etc leaders, derived through the machinations of white malicious activities…
White skin beings work day and night to trick natural beings of their resources and mind: Institutions of engineering the environment and mechanics are created and exist to study the ability to deceive and gain Psychologically enhanced development.

From the western perspective of the meaning to life, begot, war is a constant consequence of existence and potential to progression and wholesome being.

That which white society perceives as sane, is exactly that which ancient cultures perceived insane ยฎ
The minds of the indeginous natives, moreover the natural earthly residents are in the hands of these White skin European beings…

Whom do not have the indeginous long term well-being at the centre of their European hearts.

South African and Australian indeginous natives were together both amongst the many hoste to experience these evil European deployments, previously disclosed.
The Empires from the Europeans emancipated thousands of poor western white women, out of bondage, slavery, bandages, prison and feme fatal into spies/infiltration hostess/succubus.

The Trojan Horse or perhaps Trojan Succubus

The Europeans presented the guest as gifts to the niave earlier black empires. Whom indeed accepted with delight, non the wiser of the extention of the scheme in hand!
These women were to be accepted as formal brides to form treaty and established unions..

In hind sight things did not workout well for the unsuspecting niave of the indeginous tribesmen and clang: Often the awful subsidiary to this faux pass derived greater loss. Esoteric knowledge awarded to no avail or future prosperity with their new overseas bride, whom often felt she could no longer exist in their heinous contract, with the foul eye watering smells of cow dung floating by the meeker Hotel constructed of foul excretion and unhygienic tenancies the cultures shared, the extent of the brides new orphanage could never be tolerated any longer after a period in time. Constant divorces occurred, while the women of these scams hurried back to their modernised natural European heritage.

The tribesmen remained confused and bewildered.

The Western governments and the lorals of their businesses in proximity, functioned as they had expected.

The occupants of Western government romancing, by secret opporatives, not only lost their overseas brides, but experienced the torment of future loss in resources lands and empires

Politically Romancing Coup d’etat

What the Africans were yet to find out, was that these women were deployed for duty, inorder to learn the secrets by spying upon the black natives and to see what they could learn and sabotage.. ยฎ
Some of the women were also prostitutes and whores..

Today’s groups are more sophisticated and arrive packed with a degree to carousel the non suspecting natives.

When we study this inquisitively, that which stands out, are beings of a disorderly condition: Perhaps an Abomination to all existence everywhere!?

Quintessentially, this is indeed a twisted fate for the once naturals of planet earth.


“Shem Su Hor” over great space and motion was infiltrated via the softer gender, as it was known men would give up their secrets to women freely after sex. sophisticated spies/invasions/spoils/pillage/Plunder/war and genocides. The etymology and stimuli of such archetypes slowly made prominence in western civilisation. The brightness or the bright-ones existed in one form or another throughout space and motion, via protected teachings and information.

The papayas/scrolls/tablets/books of esoteric sources have been studied in the halls of the Vatican’s secrecy.. while mimicked into new languages and altered for the prosperity of the Europeans while genuine truths lay obscured from society.

I can disclose to you, the entire history has been rewritten and falsified to promote those in power. These are the Europeans and European systems.

Once each individual investigates what the royal blood tests for, one will realise the entire history of western chronology/civilisation is a fake alignment of humankind.

Roman Monks whom worked throughout the night by several “candle-light” formed the orders of their Pope.. These monks were indeed mused as the “Enlightened – Ones” the Roman version of “Shem Su Hor” of the medieval era.

While the original Shem Su Hor of Khemet existed many thousands of years prior to Roman civilisations history.

The empire which indeed spread throughout and across the entire globe… The empire or utilisation thus: The Khemetian teachings, marked throughout the globe via the varsity of distinctive various ancient structures and Pyramids in multiple undisclosed locations. Existed to exonerate throughout the world. Also suggest great intelligence of minds shaped and influenced the Khemetian society and all other societies which have existed throughout? A relative time piece, it seems, for the entire quadrant of humankind’s history?

The Khemetians utilised these Pyramids as hallmarks for establishing teachings: Teachings believed to be highly sensitive and esoteric in nature/scientific from a much greater chronology than previously examined…? Moreover not of western chronology; More closer to prehistory (A time before science can possibly unearth with modern equipment) Well before all western dating and approximations. Western dating appears off. The dates of Egyptian antiquities are not even close to the true dates of the historical events which shaped the buildings.

A complete misaligned chronology of space and motion appears consistent in western engineering practices. This and similar misalignment of world information resonates as ILLUMINATI -Characteristics; The hiding and covering of : -Facts/dates/truths/Information/ Antiquity/Knowledge/Rights/Laws/ Principles/Occurences/Incidents/ History/Identity/Evidence/Property/ Possessions/Objects/Cytology etc…

Solely for the purpose of the few/exclusive; Whom, indeed, secure all fate of the rest/majority… While implementing false information worldwide which promotes hazardous unstable conditions for the majority.

Prehistory: Before any understanding of ancient chronology. Such boundaries modern equipment can not penetrate to uncover the true enormous complexities of information buried in chronological zones. Things which lay buried so deep, modern technology is overwhelmingly challenged to explain confidently.

Such a committee sworn in by the deepest secrecy ( ILLUMINATI / Ill-Luminate ) for the confines of power; The exploitation and manipulation of total control would secretly exist inside the shadows of dictatorship- governance. These esoteric existences haul a great burden and compromise away from normality. Those whom exist within the confines of great importance carry a burden equal to the actual importance. A position totally resting upon the sworn oath of the fateful. A life over death reciprocity ordained by the participants of such positions.

The secrecy of the ILLUMINATI exist to provide protection from persecution. Popes of the past and all religions figures whom would exist in contemptuous fear from “day to day” life. Existing throughout multiple forms of persecution. Those that were believed to be from the omniscience of God and those that existed from the powers of the wealthiest to those that barely yielded their blunt swords!

Often the secrecy protected the ILLUMINATI. “Nobody can hurt those hidden, nobody acknowledges existence of?” Those that lay undisclosed and uncovered fear not of anger from folk in the bright open. While those that walk bravely in the daylight surely lay apprehensive of everything…?

As to Ill-Luminate > : To reduce brightness… To dimmer.. dimming. Restrict clarity; Switch off from clearness.

Restricted light.


Not open.

Not announce.

Modern chronology has witness the ILLUMINATI in multiple formats. The media utilises such systems to nurture societies, by the control of thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, habits and behaviours.

Media is responsible for the evils of modern society, as witnessed members of society driven to despair/disrepair/disreputable mixtures of behaviour and disregard for life in general. All these, are indeed, flagship occurrence of media publication/media plundering individuals identity into the darkest dungeons. The media’s ability to destroy identities is a mechanism controlled by shadow figures of exclusive identities.. Perhaps a skewed twisted version, akin to a modern version of…?

Or just perhaps the title “ILLUMINATI” is significantly stated?

The Early Christians and Catholics and many more early group systems also did not believe they were evil.. As do modern law and government, never able to recognise their own evil shift patterns?

Perhaps evilness can only be perceived by outside generations looking back in retrospective investigation? ๐Ÿค”

I think most people can not perceive their very own evilness at all..?
Out growing an earlier behaviour is totally separate..

However : when I see modern senior adults citizens acquainted with causing pain to people they have never met before or only heard about or met for the first time, while having no rational reason except despise & disparity for no apparent reason or valid founded cause: That behaviour strikes as genuine evil throughout… :

As do Solicitors, legislators, Euphemistic nonchalance of healthcare, lies of mental health personnal & institutions, corrupt personal of police, Bureaus, Agents, the apathy – enmity of the poor unemployed, poor ignorant folks prejudice, aristocratic and wealthy nonchalance, the shananigans of bitter elderly folk, the aspirtions of street criminals, politicians deceptions, lying greedy immigrants, the criminal intentions of general society… The false stories of children, the vile vindictiveness of jealous women:
When I study society it is apparent approximately everyone is evil..

Certainly the noble Qu’an and I think the bible also mentions something similar to “Everything upon the earth is evil except the rememberance of Allah (God) ”

Motion of The Procurator Fiscal

The reason why benefits inclines each year is because the EU previously paying each government extra funds for baby sitting (Housing) the refugees..
That is the deal…
Do you not know? ๐Ÿค”

Each country who takes in lodgers-migrants receives funding for the accommodation..

Understand how this works…

With the extra funding the government receives
.. The government decide how to best appropriate funding for subsections of the country?
Part of the finances goes to defence strategies..? ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
Part of the payment is allocated to road improvements..?
Further of the money is spent on
renovations and accommodation…
The finance is also spent on wealth fare and hospitals..

๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ›๏ธThe E. U AND ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ›๏ธU. N finance huge amounts of money ๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ถto governments around the world to hoste refugees…๐Ÿ‘ช

The governments allocate the funding to the country in the most beneficial way…๐Ÿ’ธ
Your very own beer money is increased by this government top up.. So you can get more ๐Ÿบliqueurs for your glass at the old brewery…๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿ›Œ

I have wondered on many occasions : I suppose maybe things were very different at the time, maybe they was slightly niave in regards to the hospitality on offer? ๐Ÿค”
Whichever way it is, I think they made a seismic mistake and a poor choice for spiritual health and the level of prosperity which is attatched to spiritual health in their decisions to move to the UK for long term practices:

If appears they traded spiritual practices and genuine freedom over for other things, elsewhere?

Ultimately it was a bad decision that has proved disastrous Especially if you look into their generations who have suffered and are suffering, murders, gangs of their children, drugs dependancy, second treatment by the angry natives, genuine attacks and schemes to harm descendents of foreigners etc..

One can never become spiritually fed in a spiritually inept country, hence: ‘The reason for all the suffering’ and multiple forms of addiction and greed!

Most foreigners without children die alone etc.. Generally foreigners are malicious towards unsuspecting vulnerable foreigners… Oftentimes this is totally encouraged by evil white society.
It is insanity, yet a stable of white society and poor white aspirations.

The hostility present, has always existed in the uk.
Further back in time hostility existed but perhaps for a separate reason?
Today there is hostility against foreign nationals and their children and some of the natives claim it is due to large numbers entering UK?

Before there was still hostility in the UK which they say “was due to natives not knowing or understanding the foreign nationals..” ? ๐Ÿค”

My personal view: regardless of the numbers that are here from foreign countries, the native brits will always despise people from other cultures..
I doubt that will ever change at all

This is quintessentially trueยฎ

๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

Too beautiful:
My honest opinion : These creatures are not supposed to be on the same planet as Apex predators and the like. Noticeably these creatures of the forest are very familiar with the characters of infants, very gentle, very loving, very excepting, very wonderful. Many of natures innocent creatures amongst some others, appear not inhibited with terrorising instincts.

Something mainstream society appears to careless of for comtemplation, mindfullnes.

Creatures are probably not meant for consumption In all honesty, a rather learned or taught phenomenl trait?

Mass robotic cpu’s of a particular kind find it difficult to process…

Perhaps as all things once before, will eventually be easily proved later..

I knew, some time far back, people in general/we as civilisations throughout modern epochs, are slowly dying by the mistreatment
of this once paradise earth and the torture and savage terrorising upon the original earthly tenants.

A sense warns of impeding doom, from past, reinventing and jumping through the ages, a peering look here and there every now and again, In order of or for a reminder and preparation …

Mostly, by subjugation of the truth years, I have grown slowly quite sure of the things to expect. The older I have gotten the ever so slightly but predictable life registers. I have been convinced by ever so miraculous aspects of magnanimous feets and impossibilities, one chronicling world hazard at a time.

It is clear to me now, just how true –

those early emotions and sensations of bereft actually were? ๐Ÿค”
Frightfully so eiry to be just a guess…?

Some of this information is becoming further unequivocal as space and motion engages.โธ

Do you realise that every party that began it’s life, started their routes or roots as a form of Liberal party on the quest for the poor left – wing people’s rights…?
Later the parties trajectory evolved and changed the party policies to favour and metamorphic rise into a new form of “Conservative right wing Democratic party…”

In essence regarding Governments there exist only Democratic Conservative parties bidding for the Government position?

There are nomore original left – wing Liberal Republic representatives..

Also the financial bank are on the side of Conservative – Democratic parties..

From the banks perspective : There exists less financial risk in support of right wing Democratic ervative groups, which have good credit and practice of investment history :
For this reason, these right wing groups has the most generational wealth and competent general wealth – capital per person and per vote..
The banks believe %? : Lending to such groups ensures future interest via the capital savings of affiliates of
large numbers of Conservative – Democratic parties, who have more generation wealth than Labour and Liberal Republic parties..

Left wing Labour and Republic parties at the beginning are often created by the people who seek a revaluation of policies to support the
blue collar and labourers..

Unfortunately with time and momentum, ideals of the labour and republican parties slightly changed to incorporate a broader scope of society and became more inclusive of generational wealth and middle class hierarchies…

Following :

This business model is to increase the wealth of the banks and such affiliates..

However: If wealth appears on the side of the Labour and Liberal Republic groups via endorsed campaigns..
You will notice a swing of favour.. to move the banking interest to accommodate the Left wing groups..

Either way it usually works out fine for the sponsors, as they always put there money on legislation which will benefit them, In the long term..
Banks very rarely lose out much?

Especially as forms of repossession is faithfully included, if liquidity of business, court fines ccj, bankruptcy etc…

Puppets are the constant loses and never the *puppeteers.

I am unclear if people in general even bothered to try and understand what the word EVIL factually assigns and demonstrates by way of it’s etymology? ๐Ÿค”

Evilness is the subject of knowingly doing wrong.. An awareness of act which betrays the right to previlege of another person, animal or thing. The behaviour which promotes a conscious subtraction of autonomy, pleasantry, courtesy, hospitality, aid, sustanence, service and more to life which is dependent on it for it’s general well being and survival to life. To restrict one’s ability to maintain survival. To relinquish one to death, unnecessary punishment or depravity without the victims understanding or present authority or inclusion of awareness… Simply for the sensation of the ego and appetite of the viewers, affiliates, partisans and council of representation : be that malignant authority’s .

People everywhere knowingly do wrong?

The government included the other hand makes a grand monopoly via schemed trick legislation to penalise for reasons of Procurator fiscal.

This occurs for both intentional evil doings and accidents of peoples vulnerableness, government bureau machination towards the unfortunate targets :Be it those with general disability – eyes, Psychological state, poverty, Stress, emotional grievance etc
In addition there exist a percentage of people, whom generally commit to evil doings, knowingly..
They are not ignorant as people prefer to perceive..?
What’s more, is people’s perception of evilness is mistaken for “ignorance”

This perception is wholeheartedly skewed..

The world is an old place, and ancient writers, historians, teachers have discovered that evil exist deep within the structure of humankind, beings, versions, etc..

The participants of evil doings are quite familiar with that which they acheived, while knowingly very well what the outcomes will severely bring into being…?
Being fooled is without profit, while further machination persists.

Memoirs for the journey…

Children of the coming storm…