Vanity Verses, The Great “I AM”

So many today “know not” of the reality of accountancy in accordance with the measurement of one’s own life and responsibility to the wider conditions in thus, environment we harbour – Earth.

People perpetually have stated: “Governments have made them poor/Governments are greedy and corrupted”

Though moreoften these sentiments are partially true!

What of accountantability?


Governments do not force people/individuals to interlope, neither force citizens to marriage or sexual endorsements/gratification of procreation.. neither thrust expensive hobbies, lifestyles upon individuals… Society is certainly not suited for everyone, that remains a fact!

These habits are generally individually based choices made by the individual and singular/family/community via personal perceptions of existence! Governments neither persuade nor force individuals to procreate/interlope for child production.

Previous Centuries back, governments desired large armies/work forces/personal etc and profited from the simplicity of the extremely large families. Unfortunately today this manner often yields over population. Controlling population is a default mechanism of any successful nation as automation has defaced the curriculum of workforces across the globe. Feeding and sustaining extreme populations has become a default of deforestation/ozone damage/universal poor health… Economic debt/National Instability/National Bankruptcy… across all living things as the planet is incapable of hosting to the speed of encroachment/progression/recycling/feeding/regrouping that humanity is demanding from earth to sustain itself!

Food produce and the artificial sweeteners/energy/colouring created to feed a growing population is totally synthetic, not nutritional or genuinely nourishing. Engineering food to feed the expanding population is a dangerously hazardous and unethical business environment in reality. The vast majority of food in superstores are neither proper for human consumption, stable diets.. Humankind is purely perceived as a robot workforce, inwhich from the authoritative positions; vitality and energy must be invoked in humankind, inorder to sustain a workforce/engineering/warfare/protection/merchandise/wealth/power/control and fear of authorities.

The most ignorant of citizens will endeavour to hand their offsprings to the authority of nations in exchange for wage.. Be that public – private schooling/training in the entertainment establishment – purposes/private tuition/private skills… All roads eventually succumb to government ownership of entities and result. Women travel over dangerous terrain with large families for this treacherous exchange, without full realisation of the true cost…? A loss of spirit sense/morality and ethical values/a deal with the devil it is routinely stated… Humankind has long lost it’s way to the engineered monetary value… Free money, a home filled with merchandise is the mantra of 21st century homo sapiens… Most will kill for this deal, while all practitioners and pretenders progress with deception and hatred in order to out manoeuvre competition within each class group. Addiction comes in all forms, and the authorities have learnt the value of an addictive trait within human nature to manipulate this detriment of human suffering. All actions by humankind is detrimental as suffering and society increases.. All roads do indeed lead to addiction if personal monitoring is not upheld…?

• Mothers whom give birth scrupulously, in numerous occasions to offsprings are totally addicted to the premise of child rearing.. poorly uneducated, while are often a little insane.

• Similar to men whom seek to procreate multiple individual females for vanity… are quite simple minded and extremely weak hearted in spirit/soul/nature/moral and character.

Desiring to be continuously surrounded by folk/people is another common addiction exhibited by modern society..

Cosmetics/surgery/body image/vanity/extreme health and nutrition and high occupancy of one’s identity is a foundation of personal addiction and inner sufferings of the spirit self..

Entertainment in all forms is an addiction, as communities mourn their fallen idols and entertainers… As much as even the abrupt termination of a role/series/character or plot can bring misery to the viewers of such addiction!

Merchandise/materials/gadgets/holidays are all linked to traits of addiction… not just narcotics/food or alcohol.. In recent centuries fast food restaurants have introduced recipes to further their business and perpetuate the addictions.. Proving the sum of the western world is a fake civilisation, while for the most vulnerable of citizens, who lack the ability to grasp this true identity of this fused extraveganza, high potency schemed product… Being that of an imitation to nature and all things true… From fake – courts/magistrates/legislation/Kings and Queens/royalty/fake history/law/bloodline and education to medicine/faith/practices/ethics/love/spirituality/promises/authority/power/honour/empathy and much more all resides in the atmosphere of the western world.

This western culture be a true imposter to nature, the quintessential opposite of purity and reality.

In regards to food consumption and taste, one has to at least consider where many ingredients originate from…? To harvest such appetite for taste, one needs look no further than the mechanics of the self… The human cells are a potent substance to engineer behaviours… cells remind one another of familiarity and continue to locate or bond with familiarity to grow and sustain liveliness… The body can sense a moment of contentment on such occasions, This is often dealt by bouts of euphoric rise rather than true appetising nourishment. This formality is similar to citizens familiarity with location/family/friends/venues/environments of well being and happiness… This version of bonding gives strength and contentment to all organism… You may realise why people feel a sense of fulfillment when the consumption of certain food is completed, even though those food groups contain zero nutritional benefits at all!

Though governments are witnessed as highly toxic opperators throughout the globe… A certain matter of education is at fault with each citizen who wills without the hindsight and precaution which emphasise failures of past generations/education/mindlessness/consciences/cautionary/contingency/ethics/morality and that of lacking the persecution to police individual addictions and desires…

Knowingly: Each citizen having foresight that Governments are highly correlated to corruption, while citizens individually display nonchalance towords capitalistic themes amidst less precaution to child birth/rearing/sustainability/future resources/skills/foundation/education/occupations/dwellings/ambitions and prosperity etc…

This format displays a strong influence towards failure/fragility/vulnerability and the taxonomy of success for ineptitude.. of future citizens of earth. Antiquity has taught humankind that large families or groups succeeded via huge numbers… while the future holds the opposite as resources become scarce small number groups become powerful as the Appetite to control desires becomes a strength over weakness and addictions?

Such attitudes can not rear and nurture any life well… as we witness that the functionality of individuals raised in poor uneducated homes is a dysfunctional process, while seemingly steady aiming towards final destruction of the unit and individuals from the particular unit!

One can state “NO”

People are not poor because of the/their Government alone!

Perhaps a joint affair in all truths?

In addition to a citizen’s depreciation in and around society, often due to/from personal choices/inability to form careful management of social structures and the decisions thereof… One realised as a child money was the main importance to raise children/child. So a refrained apprehension towards having children appeared justified. As the political atmosphere is based upon an unfair capitalist structure, inwhich your earliest beginnings/inheritance/ethnicity/family and the wider community play a major role to your prosperity.

Those without great capitalism and great family support or omniscience presence will endure magnanimous suffering to less avail, attempting persuasion towards an existence of unfairness be that with/without corrupt political aficionados… is still an exercise in mismanagement of resources and life! A crude and cruel existence thereof, waged upon the self by society and nature. The carnivorous Appetite of capitalism is such that families are embittered against one another, wherever/whenever/whatever occasions arise. Throughout the turmoil including the seasons of exchanging gifts… public affairs etc.

The resources necessary to feed one human child in the western world per year successfully is quite grotesque… In the United Kingdom that figure is a staggering £20,000 per annum until the age of 18 years totalling a huge £380,000 per child for eighteen solid years. This is indeed a considerable degree of funds to allocate for one child for eighteen severely long years. Comprehend the fact there is more than one child, perhaps multiple child – births from one family/woman/each woman/Many women of society..? Multiply the sum total for finances acquired from/of one woman having multiple child births in -which each child is payed full subsidiaries until the age of eighteen years?

Subsidiaries continue after eighteen years of age. Considering the child now adolescent is not working full-time at age eighteen years old, now will be automatically qualified for a different Governmental subsidiary, inwhich that subsidiary be titled : ‘Job Seekers Allowance’ /Disability Allowance & Council tax benefit & perhaps housing benefit, depending on living arrangements?

The study that many millions of families have never and most often will never work a single day throughout their entire life is quite astounding and quite deplorable as earthly organisms exist. Ruminating upon the phylogeny and phylectic state of humanoids from the earliest mark of homosapient to their most recent markings in distinguishing space & motion to now is indeed discouraging to realise that which humans have later become via the ‘Roads of least resistance!’

The majority of poor families not only strive for these beneficial hand-outs, including poor families appear to view these Governmental- benefits as a golden career’s manoeuvre and choice of benefit/choice of lifestyle, a type of ‘golden egg’ laid by a most uniquely exquisite goose… Inwhich the poor families routinely salivating accumulating froth at the mouth’s stained edges, deplorable from within deep sanctuary of throat brought farword with enmity and mass dissatisfaction. Eagerly and persistent for a bite of this poorly sought-after ‘after affiliation’ and perhaps dine for such Governmental subsidiaries. Such perceptions are often strange from my upbringing and nature. This version of living is quite abnormal in reflection to my upbringing and those of family/relatives and friends. In childhood years I did not experience any acquaintence/family or neighbours whom existed this way. Everyone I acquainted as a child including strangers of my then location (child residency)  their family worked. Something drastically has altered since through to modern times for the purposes of detrimental consequences. Perhaps a combination of privileges/laziness/Road of least resistance/corruption/lack of moral fibres, Principals and ethics etc… 

Poor families are perpetually fighting/bullying and causing hate against others whom are innocently receiving such benefits. Though many families and households have purposely opted in for this type of lifestyle. This is a strange and peculiar mind set to me, as I view this position ‘a deprive circumstance’ aimed at those whom have fallen on disadvantaged circumstance. It is extraordinary that majority of the poor citizens of the United Kingdom purposely strive for this version of existing. I know there exist no hope for people whom have never given to a system, but only subtracted the wealth of others. Surely such individuals shall pay in life one way or another/via their mind or the torment of the grave..? I can not help but to ruminate upon this incredibly dire situation; Surely there must exist some form of fair legislation somewhere in this convulsion of existence. If there exist no God creator that views & perceives in the manner that mortals of earthly bodies perceives, surely there must be an act of contingency for protocol in a universal Infrastructurer throughout space and motion which endorses fair tribunals and legislation to see fit against every last living organism?

provided – recorded by economics institutions in the mid 1990’s.

Cost Inhabit: •Nursery/Education/Schooling, •Teaching/Training/Travelling, •Books/Tuition/Stationary/Classes, •Food/Nutrition/Advice/Supplements, •Clothing/Activity wears, •Housing/Maintenance/Hosting, •Nurturing/Rearing/Supporting/Mind, •Health/Hygiene/Cleaning maintenance, •Recreational/Hobbies/Activities etc etc?

Though the greater expenses is Government backed subsidy, this displays a great burden on each citizen especially the working class who indeed foot the bill… This bill also stimulates the magnitude of encroachment on nature’s environment of resources and that of the species microscopic and life size that are evicted from their generational empires. For the grandiosity of Homo Sapiens, perseveringly uprooting the materials to sustain the human life which often lacks true fruition for reimbursement of such taxation in reciprocity back to nature!

How many individuals throughout humankind that we read about or met have truly helped nature… how many of humankind has provided to nature 1/100 of 1% to what nature has provided to them/citizen?

The ruminating doubt holds my attention, that one will never find a single person anywhere… whom has provided anything to nature accept a dying redundant vessel of themself back to the earth in which it derived from. That which humankind steals from the earth is poorly compensated in return for reimbursement. After all, the ecosystem of life is perfect and can not be improved upon. It can only be diminished by the use of over consumption/unnecessary toxicity/misuse/unearthing vital minerals and over population! The fact that humankinds is fed a diet of toxicity demonstrates the unequal measure that we put back into the earth when we pass excretion or die? Because many do not appreciate their individual vessel suggests the soil shall vanquish refuse their bodily orientations part or in whole!

It is quite intriguing how ancient biblical traditions suggested: “The earth will not be nourished or accept certain deseased bodies of multiple humans whom have not existed in a clean life?” By way of personal accountability towards food/general behaviour/morals/ethics etc etc…

It has been noticed in forensic science that bodies buried in general soil, have indeed slowly risen to the top soil… while accidental notices occured from the public.

Biology teaches: Bodies can rise to the top of soil, after burial via the contents of the deseases general diet…?

Food which exist without nutritional value is often composed of synthetic based ingredients in statue and design.. Such materials often rise in soil as the nature of soil enjoys feeds upon organic materials which have not been treated nor interfered by design. As one can witness “chemically treated wood” will not break down quick in soil, as all human engineered products are not of nature… nor support, uphold nature!

The sum of Homo Sapiens endeavors ‘wills’

Eventually shines upon the ‘will’ of greed and capitalism, the true embellishment of Homo sapiens!

The sum of education, is that of a costly experience multiplied by an appropriate quality of usefulness when understood it’s applicability in the here and now!

The great “I AM” the “Science of existence” negotiates a path that can be sustainable if individuals hold a form of patience to their indomitable existence!

Image a world, far from now… far from present day… faraway from this moment, faraway from the common misfortune and misery which presently occupies the vast majority of hearts and minds!

An epoch flowing with qualia and filled with a flow of sustainability, enjoyment, contentment, a sense of universal responsibility/strength/prosperity and understanding…

Imagine the period slightly before the epochs of dominant hominid arising to power, with Psychopathic narratives in one clench fist and the cruelest intentions in the other hand?

The period before arrival of early homo sapien is that qualia…

The Hominids that existed in this special period were indeed of farming mentality, enthused with nature and admirers of natural simplicity within complete rural gatherings… Moreover recognised as a simple life form in comparison to the programme; Sophistication of our instinctive Homo Sapiens, whom wills by consumption/bombardment/perplexity/vanity/single mindedness! Less paranoia/pillory/diversions/machinations…

Homo Erectus… Homo Neanderthalis… Homo Rudolfensis… Homo Habilis… Homo Florensiensis… Were indeed hominids which existed in a reserved manner… unsophisticated yet not fragile nor corrupted by emotion and states of euphoria… redundant of the mindset which has engulf all of humankind today.. The mindset which harbours throughout the space and motion of humankind, the malevolence that which has obliterated other lifeforms and continues to do so. For the love of sport/game/entertainment and more. The mindset which has set a portion of one species as godhead of earths living creatures… A false narrative and a deluded interpretation of the soul-self (Spirit sense) and spiritual identity. A true grotesque misinterpretation, while affirming to an unparalleled Psychotic perception of existence and individual relationships towards all things in our observation view! Such a perception which is often viewed from abusers throughout colder climates has spread out the world over with a malignant perception of things. A false directive which strips the earth of it’s loving spirits!

The age of unsophisticated hominids: in terms of reservations to engineering malevolence for game; This epoch aided the qualia of all living things which spread/existed throughout the hemispheres evenly.. Interestingly a motion appears, as the premise demonstrates the version of dysfunctional organisation one witnesses throughout the periods of Homo Sapiens reign, discloses correlations to modern drug usage from narcotic dependency… DMT.. Poppy seeds…? Marijuana plants…? Amongst all known/unknown/undiscovered/forgotten hallucinogenic weeds/plants. How likely is the possibility that early Hominids lavished lands and so happened to be enlightened by the potency exhibited within the chemical aid in plants. This no doubt arises as a consequence of chance or perhaps location? Such instrumentation endorsed by multiple sources claimed realisation of the “Enlightenment process” gifted through chemical aids from natures plants… “Chemical aid” suggests a Psychotic state capable of such divorcing from empathy; Which are usually reserved for living things, yet the hominids now redundant of particular emotions exhibit a fierce posture, opening the path to rule/conquer and devour all other forms of life from their previous state of age. An age of absolute ignorance, simplistic, sloth. Emerging with a mighty awareness, an attachment to governing/controlling/capturing/owning/having all things?

Such an awakening state of being, recognising and shifting from one dawn to the next in a single blink of an eye or space and motion of a blossomed chemically endowed plant?

This new entity to the auspices and senses of the foragers, existed as…

None other than, the… ultimate..


Due to exploration/engineering and the detrimental inquisition to seek… Homo Sapien’s development into the lands became robust enough to slaughter all other hominids, inorder to make room for the spread of homo sapiens outright survival, only!

Homo Denivosen… stood tall and a match for Homo Sapien…

A mighty warpath for warfare endured bloodshed across the hemispheres… throughout multi ages… until one victor survived to rise alone from under the smoke.. the smoke or the beginning of carnivorous humankinds “Homo Sapien” The redundancy of Homo denisoven reduced in aptitudes and became a slave for the breeding of homo sapiens!

The culpability of modern Homo Sapien has breached roads of no return in the least of morality/faith/spirituality/ethics and willingness to exist fare with all living things…

Homo sapien not willing to forgo any discomfort to share earths landscape as a consequence of community, displaces homo sapien away from the title of a genuine leader and genuine tenant of earths multi-species community..

The community being everything in existence within the sector of earths stratosphere and every quadrant below! With all species and groups.

The force of greed has bequeathed the grand ill tormentor of nature, homo sapient, throughout the ages… to the wider scope of witnessing homo sapiens ill effected Psychosis dehumanise the entire population who indeed accept the programme which has been awarded to the naivety populace!

This particular perception orchestrated by western lorals of such an event has continuously dove humankind to the brink of war and previous folk ties to extinction, that needed not, for peaceful wayfarer were their generation and lot!

Similar to a non carnivorous species in the wild previous hominds existed as natures qualified tenants… An attitude which help farm lands into fruition for ions.

It is also suggested that the nature of homo sapien is unlike any species which has encrusted their generations upon the earths soil… A true imposter to the earth in character/nature/perception/qualia/function and usefulness…

Homo sapiens existed uniquely without improving earth’s landscapes and communities…

While all along imposing a will upon the earth for all to exist by…

To state the conclusion; That a true imposter, be an impulsive misrepresentation of earth, has stood in total contrast to nature, as self reasoning/concluding/examining/appointing/annointing/judging, while rending perceptions as fact, misrepresenting humankind and earths creatures, perpetuates as a force to governing earths creatures… The directive is a true fallacy of proper order and power, unquestionably unqualified we can state in wholesome, to nature in every measure is total irony!

More so, this directive is subliminally misinformed and detrimental to the sustainance of all life everywhere…

Many waged self against a genuine order… for all ancient chronologies of old and modern empires fall… as you shall witness in time and space, motioning, again and again…

May the genuine order bring total obliteration/annihilation to homo sapiens… Homo sapient sustains mere amusement at expense of the wretched including all living things… as will circles endure, a circle follows a journey of returning damage to genuine engineers…

May the order, the 360° powers of time and space bring annihilation to all of humankind/young and old alike/black and white alike/rich and poor alike/ignorant and intelligent alike/big and small alike/strong and weak alike/for the evils endured by mere species continuously from ancient antiquity…

For peace may also return full circle to the lifes which existed in peace, wherever borrowed or sheltered.

The first known fossil of a Denisovan skull has been found in a Siberian cave

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